Top sales performance with 170,000 sq.ft. of transactions

With 35 years experience of closing sales and lettings of property across the region we have the pulse not only of current market trends, moreover the experience of market cycles. Aligning marketing to our clients needs is an absolute priority.
Price pressures in the UK during economically uncertain times rank more highly here than with our peers in Europe. Corporate strategy, driving efficiencies into property holdings, emerging markets, the changing face of High Street trading, the impact of digitalisation on logistics held premises …… these are just a few of the market influences we contend with on a daily basis.
With market knowledge and authority comes trust. We are delighted therefore to be trusted with so much. Property is part a science, part an art form. Making people we deal with feel comfortable is a key component – whether we know the inside out of a specific sub sector or sub market or not would be irrelevant without our assurance of market expertise, combined with clear and reliable conduct.
In the past few months we’ve been privileged to handle the marketing of York House Windsor – 25,500 sq.ft. now fully let to 5 businesses. Key considerations were not just the rental pricing level – equally if not more important were and are the value and return on investment to the businesses in terms of productivity, staff retention and recruitment. The lettings have taken place to a Swedish corporate, Italian, two US software and one UK company.
Further afield we have acquired a warehouse facility off market, piecing a 4 way transaction together for a client’s new Birmingham / Midlands strategy, we’ve disposed of a substantial London office block and closer to home, we’ve agreed town centre retail lease renewals and completed lettings of various office, retail and warehouse premises.
170,000 sq.ft. of transactions in June, in layman’s context, is the equivalent to 50 lots of 5 bedroom houses or 225 lots of 2 bedroom apartments.
Aided by the use of technology, and continuous investment, together with excellent administration staff and colleagues, we are delighted to be serving our existing client base with a first class provision and always look forward to meeting and helping new clients with our service.
Above is the newly refitted 140 Peascod Street Windsor let to Hoofs and Hides. In the last month we’ve agreed retail lease renewals in Windsor at aggregate rents of over £100,000 p.a.x. – as well as letting prime retail premises throughout the region.
Do contact us for expert advice and assistance, we are always delighted to help and do better.