Windsor – Christopher Thomas let 18,000 sq.ft. of offices in May at record rents.

Christopher Thomas have successfully let 16,800 sq.ft. of office space at the high grade Morgan House welcoming Lakeside Software moving into just under 3,000 sq.ft. and 13,700 sq.ft. to Record CM Ltd. Christopher Thomas secured a 6 year lease at a rent of £41.20 per sq.ft. for the smaller space with Lakeside and £37.50 per sq.ft. for the larger space to Record.
The current availability at Morgan House includes part of the ground floor, 4,000 sq.ft. and the first floor of 8,835 sq.ft. which can be combined to 12,835 sq.ft approx. together with secure on site parking.
The amount of take up, strength of rents and demand underlines the lack of supply of good quality office stock combined with good marketing and expertise offered by Christopher Thomas’s regional and local offices. Office landlords in the town have benefitted considerably from our judgement of the market equilibrium, with headline rents achieved in excess of market expectations and significantly ahead of advice given by national competing Chartered Surveying Agency practices.
11 High Street has just let to Goldstein Legal, adding to the recent letting of 3 High Street to 70% of the office space at Amberley House is now let as well with just one floor of 3,400 sq.ft approx. available to let and 80% of Admiral House is now let too with just 1,446 sq.ft. available. All of the lettings are in the late £20’s per sq.ft.
Fresh to the market is the fully fitted top floor of Royal Albert House 2,529 sq.ft. the ground floor of Assurant House 2,500 sq.ft to 3,950 sq.ft. and a floor at Kingsbury House 525 sq.ft. to 767 sq.ft. all available to let. Each of these offices can be seen on our web site
As take up in the town continues apace, further lettings are going to be announced shortly ….. together with exciting brand new office schemes coming to the market later this month.
The activity in Windsor is consistent with our London, Thames Valley, Surrey and Middx regional activity for all of our clients, where good marketing combined with market demand has resulted in encouraging numbers of lettings and sales being agreed.
For more information and advice about the Windsor and regional commercial property market contact the Christopher Thomas local office by e mail or by telephone 01753 839390 or at our offices Castle Hill House Castle Hill Windsor.